Bounce, the silly game that people actually play

A little change of the design of my site, which I think looks much better now than before, but still not really good. But it'll do for now... I won't say my name here, you can see it in my game though. But I call myself Mercetron. In lack of a better nickname.

On this site, you can find the game Bouncing Comet, which I made in Borland C++ 4.52 (I think that's the version) between x-mas 1999 and... Well, I'm not really finnished with the game; there are lots of changes that could be made to make the game better. But I haven't done anything with the game since September 2000. The game isn't very advanced - It uses no sound at all, and it's a DOS game. It should run perfectly on most mashines (in Windows, or DOS). It uses 320x200x256colors and uses none of Borland's graphic routines. The graphic routines draw directly to the memory of the VGA so it is pretty fast. And I've made all graphic routines except for the line-routine, which I have partly copied from an help file about vga-programming... :o)

Some of the pictures, levels, and ideas comes from my friend Kvaser (you can easily see what pictures he has made, since they're the only ones that look good). I've made most of the levels and pictures myself. The picture-creator program we used is called MakePic3, and is a QBasic program that I made some years ago. Recycling, you know. Why make another program in C++ to make pictures when you've already got one in QBasic? The picture-file format is very very simple, and easy to use :)

Anyway, the goal of the game, is to control a ball, take enough diamond-points (2p for each diamond and 1p for each 'ruby') and exit the level before the time runs out. There are three different ball-types, but you only have 3 Normal balls at game start. You have to collect new balls yourself later in the levels. If you die in a level, you lose the points and balls you've collected in the level, you lose one life, and you must start over in that level. Enouygh allready. Download the game and see for yourself!

It's not big, and does only need to be zipped up and run. No installation procedure required... cuz the game isn't that advanced that it needs any sort of installation, other than the unzip stuff :) (approx. 150kb)


Info about me, I and myself

I'm 17 years old, and I live in Sweden with my parents and our three cats for the moment. After high-school, I'll probably go to the university (or whatever it's called in english). I want to be a professional programmer, and I want to work with design and graphical effects. Sound too, but I don't know much about sound programming at the moment. I love designing things, and I love to write. When I start writing something, I tend to write much :)

I started programming a couple of years ago. I started with a Commodore 64, and made some stupid programs in the standard basic and in Simon's Basic. Then, I moved on to a 286, and learned to use Basic, and then QBasic. Then I got a 486DX-2 (66MHz). In 1999, I learned the basics of C++ while making the game Bounce, and now, during the last few months, I've learned the basics of Turbo Pascal. Today, Pascal is the language I use the most. I think it's easy to use, and it's fast enough for me. I still have only a 66MHz computer. Hopefully, I'll buy a new much much faster one soon, but as it looks right now, my economy doesn't allow me to.

I'm a very big fan of Furry Art. I've always loved cartoon and fluffy and cute animals, but in 1998, I think, when I saw the art of Eric W Schwartz, I fell for Furry Art completely. By then, Eric was the best artist I had ever seen in my life, so I downloaded all of the pictures from that site and read his comic Sabrina Online. I got inspired by his art a lot. Then I found out that there were even better artists out there, with different cool styles, etc. Furry Art, or anthropomorphic art as it is also called, has shaped my life a lot. I won't go further into the details :)

As you might have discovered, I'm also a Super big fan of The LionKing! Read more in the TLK section, where you can find links to different cool TLK sites.


Other stuff I've made

Here are some other programs I've done in Pascal. Here is also MakePic3 (a .BAS format file, that you'll have to run through QBasic).

NOTE: Some really new computers have trouble running these programs. Just so you know. A friend told me that there was a bug in the Crt that comes with the old Turbo Pascal, and he told me the only way to delete this bug, is to patch the EXE file with some special program. But sadly, I don't have that program. So, if you know how to, you can get that program from the net yourself and patch the EXE-file on your own. But if you have a not-so-very-new computer, these programs below should work as they were meant to. They're not big either. - The Matrix, a little simple matrix-text simulator. No speedlimit, so the program runs very fast on very fast computers, etc. - Cool. Some cool bouncing things creates this coolness. Looks very cool on fast computers. - Here is the program I used to make my 'rpp' files for the game Bounce. And I use this program a lot otherwise too.
NOTE: This program is a BAS file that requires you to run it from QBasic. I haven't been able to compile it due to some momory error... :(

If you want to contact me, give me comments, or ask some questions, feel free to send me a mail to