The LionKing

The LionKing

I'm a Very big fan of TLK. It's not like I own every thing and poster there is to find, but that's probably because I haven't been a TLK fan for very long. I simply haven't had time to get all that stuff :) I'm planning to get the DVD version of TLK when it is released (which could be in 2002, or as late as 2010, depending of when Disney decides to release it). I'm also planning to get all music CDs related to The LionKing, like the standard soundtrack (english and swedish), The Rythm of the Pride Lands, and whatever they are called. I'm one of them who download the mp3 first to see if the music is good, then I buy the CD if I think it is good.

There are some sites on the web dedicated to The Lionking, and I'll give you some links to them. Some sites contains info and pictures, news and music, from The Lionking and from the sequel Simba's Pride. There are also sites dedicated to certain characters in the movies. Well, I guess you'll have to see for yourself! :)

I've only seen The Lionking once, and that was in 1994. Simba's Pride I've seen once too, and that was in 1999 I think. Or perhaps 2000... I don't know exactly. My favourite is of course the first movie. I was a little disappointed by Simba's Pride, but that's maybe because I felt a little stressed at that moment. I'm sure I'll love it if I saw it again today. Now, I'm waiting for The Lionking 3. I hope it's as good as (or perhaps even better than???) the first two movies. I shiver thinking about it... :)

Some people may know me from irc, some people knows me from 'TKL.Muck' (online roleplaying-game) as a little cheetah cub (:

I don't think I can give you very much info about The Lionking, but here are some links that you could try out. They're really cool! - The best site I've found so far. Here, you can find lots of pictures, and info, song lyrics, links and news. It's easy to navigate, and it looks very nice! And it seems to be updated often. At the top of this page, there is a list of buttons you can press. Check out the TLK Interactive section. There you get information of how to start roleplaying online. Or go the the links section where you can find a lot of yummy links, or go to the picture section and get pictures from the movie and some fan art too. It's a really nice system for downloading the pics. You can choose to download them all, or just check the ones you want to download, and then you'll get a zip file with all pics you've choosen in it. So, not some hundreds of files to download - only one single zip file. A big plus. This site is just heaven. - Nice, clean design. On my computer, it's a bit slow, but that's probably because I have a slow connection and a slow computer. Here you can find songs from the movie, and pictures, screensavers, etc. Cool links and news too. This is the second best site I've found so far. Here are lots of Winamp-skins, some icq skins, and icq sounds. But what I think is cool is the 'bootscreen' pictures. When you zip them up in the Windows and root directories of your computer, they will replace the 'logo.sys' files with Lionking-pictures. So, instead of seeing the standard boring 'Windows 95 is starting up' screen, you'll for example see Simba, or Kiara. Very nice. And cute :)

If you want to contact me, give me comments, or ask some questions, feel free to send me a mail to